Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Natasha Poly. I love it, all of it. She is totally killing it. Forgive me for forgetting what magazine this was in.


Blowing my mind

How are you that beautiful at her age ?


Sunday, June 7, 2009

This might be the greatest picture I've ever seen

Ok so that might be a little far fetched but the photo is still amazing. I want to go do exactly what they're doing.


Friday, June 5, 2009

I recently purchased the iShoe application for my iPhone and I have to say it's now my crack. I'd be crazy not to love scrolling through thousands of shoes and saving my favorites so I can tell my boyfriend what I want for next seven up coming holidays that include gift giving. On my trek though the good, the bad and the ugly of shoes today I tripped (I know I should have said stumbled but believe me in no way did I stumble. Come to think of it tripped is probably and understatement as well.)upon awfully beautiful peep toe booties. However you could imagine my surprise when I saw that they were Juicy Couture, seeing as how I rarely ever see anything from Juicy that appeals to me in the least bit. Well, either way if I don't end up with these shoes by October some one will be in a world of pain. Hahahah.