Who is your favorite designer?
Ohhh favorites are hard but I really love Alexander Wang( I know, typical), Stella, Diane, Givenchy, Chloe, and ysl.
If you could come back as a dress, what would it be?
I think I'd want to be a vintage wedding dress but I'm completely sure.
If you could come back as a model, who would it be?
Erin Wassom for sure, her style looks so effortless.
Junk food?
Mac n' cheese !
What are you most vain about?
My clothes of course.
What are you most shy about?
I'm weird about my neck.
If you could come back with someone else’s body, whose would it be?
I'm not sure exactly but definitely someone SUPER tall with long legs and killer boobs hahah.
Who are your fantasy dinner-party guests?
David Bowie, Janis Joplin, Jen Brill, and the love of my live JIMMY PAGE.
Fantasy celebrity one-night stand?
Oh this is a terrible question but if I MUST answer I'd have to say Ed Westwick, he's probably one of the sexiest men alive.
Favorite place to have a drink?
Some tea at a really neat coffee shop.
What can’t you travel without?
White tank tops.
Last book you read?
Clothes of Camelot. Its a book about Jackie O
At age seven, you wanted to be . . .
A designer.
What’s the thing you find easiest to forgive?
I try to forgive everything easily.
What’s the thing you find impossible to forgive?
Biggest self-indulgence?
SHOES ! I spend more money on shoes than anything else.
Favorite place to shop?
Thrift stores alwayssss !
Favorite place to shop online?
I actually have never shopped online. Its too hard for me to do. I dont trust online pictures and I like to be able to try things on.
Whose diary would you most like to read?
My mothers.
Favorite food?
Salmon or any kind of fish.
Who are your favorite furniture designers?
Oh lord I dont know.
I really love old BMW's.
What was your childhood nickname?
My mother calls me Orita and I have NO idea why and my father calls me mom because since I was three I've been acting like I was his mother not daughter.
When and where are you happiest?
As corny as it sounds I'm really the happiest when I'm with my boyfriend.
What piece of art would you most like to own?
Something from Salvador Dali I enjoy the strangeness of his art work.
What are your favorite vacation spots?
I've never really been on a vacation but I'd LOVE to go to Greece.
Favorite fictional character?
Am I super lame for saying Chuck Bass ?
Favorite musicians?
Oh my gosh I could go on and on forever ! Robert Plant and Jimmy Page first and foremost, George Harrison, Debbie Harry, Jesse Lacey, Iggy Pop, Bowie, Mike Ness, Mick Jagger, Freddy Mercury, I have to stop because I'll run out of room.
If you had another profession beside your own, what would it be?
I dont currently have a profession just yet, I'm still a student. Although if I wasn't going into the fashion industry I'd like to work in public relations or become a writer even though I have zero talent in writing whatsoever.
What trends would you like to see disappear?
ED HARTY ! Hollister, Abercrombie, Uggs, and those ugly dresses that are really lose then have tight band along the bottom.
Favorite trend of all time?
Platforms. I always need the height and I just associate them with the 70's and I'm IN LOVE with the 70's.
Always...look great no matter what you're doing, where you are or who you're with.